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Our BRCGS Approved Training Partners (ATPs) deliver BRCGS courses around the world and have an extensive working knowledge of BRCGS requirements. All courses run by our ATPs use course content developed by BRCGS that provides accurate and relevant information about the standard. Our experienced and knowledgeable team is dedicated to delivering BRCGS courses that enable you to apply your learning about the requirements as you implement the standard within your facility.

Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard Gluten-free Issue 4 – Auditor Training

Essential training for auditors looking to master the fundamentals of Gluten-Free auditing.

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Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard Gluten-Free Issue 4 – Sites Training

Meet the gluten-free on-site training requirement and ensure your team is fully prepared for compliance!

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Food Safety Inspector
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9: Lead Auditor

5 Days – Gain an in-depth understanding of BRCGS Food Safety Issue 9 standard requirements to become a BRCGS lead auditor.

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Carrots at a Processing Facility
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Training

2 Days – Prepare for BRCGS’s newest requirements and seamlessly implement Issue 9 at your site.

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Woman wearing hair net in a food facilty smiling at camera
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Conversion

1 Day – Empower your team with the skills and knowledge they need to successfully adhere to the updated requirements.

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Food Broker
Instructor-Led Training

Introduction to the BRCGS Global Standard for Agents and Brokers Issue 3

Learn more about BRCGS certification developed for agents and brokers

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Chocolate Bars
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Ethical Trade & Responsible Sourcing

2 Days – Meet consumer demand for products that are ethically traded and responsibly sourced.

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Food Packaging Material
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Packaging Materials Issue 6: Sites Training

2 Days – Gain a full understanding of BRCGS Issue 6 requirements and objectives.

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Trucks in cargo bay
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Global Standard for Storage and Distribution Issue 4: Sites Training

2 Days – Gain an understanding of the standard and audit process.

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Food Safety Inspector at a Facility
Instructor-Led Training

BRCGS Internal Auditor

4 Days – Learn the skills you need to perform internal audits to BRCGS.

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Together, Let’s Prioritize Food Safety

Food safety should be a priority for your business. Our team will partner with you to make it happen.

Let’s talk about how to begin.