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Person with Scanner for Food Traceability
Tuition Cost $541.00 USD

Thousands of products are recalled each year due to the growing complexity of the supply chain, better detection of food safety issues, and more efficient mandated reporting by manufacturers. Be prepared and confident so your team can lead an appropriate and swift response during a recall.

Traceability & Recall Online answers all your questions and delivers the latest strategies that comply with the FDA’s FSMA requirements. This course directly relates to the FDA’s 21 CFR Subpart 7 requirements for food recalls and related guidance documents.

This course is essential for food safety and quality assurance directors and managers responsible for developing and managing traceability and recall programs, and for anyone who is part of the traceability and recall team.

While this course focuses on FDA recall requirements, the scenarios discussed are applicable for any food supplier or manufacturer, especially those that export to the United States and are obligated to comply with FSMA.

After completing Traceability & Recall Online, you will know how to:

  • Understand key terms and definitions related to product recalls
  • Use the Reportable Food Registry to identify product risks related to your operation
  • Meet 21 CFR Part 7, Subpart C requirements for issuing public warnings and notifications for recalls initiated by facilities or the FDA
  • Understand FDA and industry responsibilities during a recall event
  • Use FDA guidance documents to ensure your recall program complies with regulatory requirements
  • Interact appropriately with the FDA during a recall event
  • Apply regulatory guidance and industry best practices to develop effective traceability and recall programs
  • Report recall progress to applicable regulatory officials, customers, consumers, and media as required
  • Confirm readiness using internal audits and mock exercises
  • Develop prerequisite programs and risk mitigation strategies
  • Apply an appropriate recall response based on the recall classification: Class I, Class II, or Class III

Each interactive lesson in Traceability & Recall Online has built-in quizzes to test your knowledge. After finishing the course, you must complete an online exam and receive a score of 70 percent or above. Upon successful completion, you will receive  a certificate of completion and 0.4 continuing education credit.

You have up to three years to complete the course.

See the technical requirements for accessing the course here.

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Tuition Cost $541.00 USD